i love this kid

hahaha this kid is hilarious. omg best thing ive ever seen, that fucking new anchor lady tries too like…talk down too him and get him too feel sorry and hes just like ‘these glasses are famous, no, i like them, the party ruled’

the best part.

kids hilarious, i wanna party with that fucker

kids… heh :roll:

he was on Opie and Anthony this morning… that vid was great and i whole <3edly agree with newman’s post

that kid> all other teenagers

werd… I lol’d

that kid is my idol lol

i want his autograph
i wish i waz at that party!!!

the interview with him on O&A was amazing!!


i know
i want to meet him



^^booooo to you

real myspace

Hahaha, outstanding in every way possible. Dude rules.



For five hundred bucks I’ll get a six bags of chips, a group of sixteen year old girls who are really easy (my mate reckons he’s banged like five of them) heaps of cruisers and UDL’s coz they’re awesome and a TV Rock album because they make the party GO OFF.



rofl, no its not, the one i posted is older than 2 days old, and has comments from like the 9th and shit talking about how hes having a party on saturday haha