i love this kid


that’s quite easily the best thing i’ve seen in weeks

:lol: :rofl:

“I have, everyone has, they love it”


And the interviewer was HOTTT.

that dood rulez. What’s with news anchor-lady trying to be the kid’s parent.

ROFL that kid was great :rofl:


lol thats fuckig awesome

take off those glasses. nahhhh theyre famous

hahah that was awesome

i’ll adopt him when his parents disown him :tup:


“what would you say to someone who wants to have a party when their parents are out of town?”

“have me do it” LOL!!

lmao “paaaaty”

“naaaa naaa i’ll leave these on I like them”:biglol:

lol the dude running away with no clothes on lol

haha that kid is hilarious. good vid :tup:

i would fuck the news lady


Funny, that’s what I was thinking.

Get me to do it for you…

“I suggest you take a good long look at yourself”

“I have, everyone has, they love it.”

Opie and Anthony played this today, they are trying to track him down to have him on the show. He hasn’t returned home to face his parents, and to pay off the fines he has been offered a job promoting a party for $20,000