I love UB cops


my jaw hurts like hell, I just remember falling out of a tree, something about my face hitting an air conditioner and getting screamed at by some cop, and i have a student wide judiciary notice must have been a good night


:lol: This defin sounds like a “This one time…” story

We need more details though.

fucking lol

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:20,topic:29856"”]

tried to dive over a bush or something, but there was an air conditioner on the other side of it.



Ok, so the night starts out with me and my buddies drinking outside of my apartment, we have all the chairs out there some food, a regular picnic.

Pass My Ass comes over with his cheese guitar, my buddy restrings it and we proceeed to drink. The roommate and I took down a 24 pack of schmidts (it was a trout this time, not a fucking pheasant). Prior to this I was hit in the face with a football, don’t remember many details other than getting angry and bitchy about it

After that a friend drives us down in Boxxa’s Car, (remind me later Boxxa, I owe you a snow brush, I think that went out the window). We toss more shit out the window too, random water bottles yada yada yada.

We End up at third base and all do personal pitchers. I get my ass kicked in darts, and in pool, So I buy shots for the owner and his friend, some melon rum crap, I don’t remember what I paid, hopefully a discounted price. I call the owner a Fag and his bar sucks he gets kind of shitty, I talked shit to some other big dude, I get yelled at, we leave the bar. Pretty standard stuff.

We end up a vino, I have to really piss so I go into the bathroom, and both stalls are taken and there is no urinal (WTF) so I just piss on the floor, Turns out I was in the ladies room, whoops.

We then migrate down to broadway joes, where a few of my friends are down there, so we shoot the shit with them, and drink random pitchers, of what ever, play mario cart against the roommate, I think i lost. and this is where it gets much more fuzzy. I think the next following acts happened

  • Try to convince a Drunk dude, that he really was born in a trailer park and he WILL get a DWI on his bike ride home tonight. Telling him the cops were outside waiting for him cause he was a convicted felon or something

Guitar hero, did REALLY bad, with chris capelli from it dies today, I was soooo drunk i Didn;t know if I was the lead or rythmn guitarist…

Going back to third base?

Playing Arm wrestle on some random car, some kids coming out wanting to fight cause they thought we were peeing on the car. Real Fags, We probably should have just spent the time kicking their ass than just walking away. but it was a 3: 1 ratio. probably a bad idea.

Pass Mc Grass, Myself, My roommate. I’m pretty sure there was one more person… I have no idea who…

Cabbing it home

Climbing Trees, falling out of trees trying to throw my roomate into a bush. Then diving over a tree to kung fu kick pass mc grass, when i catch my foot on the tree and blast my face off the air conditioner, and start to BLEED.

The cops showing up telling me to sit down, because i was getting Unruly… Showing my ID’s, and yelled at the cop for unprofessional conduct (this is where i got the ball on my side) I demanded the names of every cop I dealt with, they totally jsut jotted them down for me. and I get a thing saying call student wide judiciary, with no information on why ( I plan on calling in a few minutes and finding out why, I’ll post the details later)

Then the cop screaming at my roommate calling him a lawyer or something, after he was just trying to bring me a burger that he cooked for me.

More blood streaming out of my neck/chin area.

I think that was the night… More will come to me. but right now i’m walking to the store to get a gatorade, and some asprin… and calling that student wide judiciary LOL

Seems like a pretty standard night for me

god you suck.


god you suck.



yea yea yea I know


After that a friend drives us down in Boxxa’s Car, (remind me later Boxxa, I owe you a snow brush, I think that went out the window). We toss more shit out the window too, random water bottles yada yada yada.


I completley forgot about that. Dana had to remind me that I didnt have my car this morning when I was looking all over for my keys.

I miss buffalo lol…every night was like that, now I have this thing called a career and have to be responsible :frowning:

I remember tossing my beer on pass mc grass now… but i don’t have a clue why :frowning:

haha, nice summary.

I definitely fell out of one of trees pretty hard. My left leg was twice the size of my right, and today is the first day I’ve been able to comfortably walk on it.


god you suck.



i’m glad my ‘drink myself retarded’ days are quite over


sounds a lot like one of my nights

Shotgun 1 beer

Slam 2 40oz



Seems like a pretty standard night for me


You’re always a giant douche?


I remember tossing my beer on pass mc grass now… but i don’t have a clue why :frowning:


it happens, i once slapped the shit out of him for no apparent reason at frizzy’s. he returned the favor and if it werent for the fact that both of us were :lol: everyone at the bar would have thought we were gonna duke it out :biglol:


You’re always a giant douche?


I try my hardest to be the douchiest of douches


it happens, i once slapped the shit out of him for no apparent reason at frizzy’s. he returned the favor and if it werent for the fact that both of us were :lol: everyone at the bar would have thought we were gonna duke it out :biglol:


I may have slapped him too… but I was pretty frizzy myself… so I have no idea

Most of them are nice but some r ass.