I made an epic life changing decision today

and I wanna say it here but im goin to the lot tonight so i’ll tell everyone when im at the lot, I think i wont be getting an E46 M3 like I wanted to get int he fall-winter 08

I decided to do something else… and its… completely… epic…worthy of life changing status…its…just…great…

SO if you see me at the lot tonight feel free to ask me about this epic choice i’ve made and I’ll tell ya…

sometimes the internet is not good enough tof ully express how epic one’s choice really is…

You’re gay?

Dammit I knew somone would say that, Nah son thats not EPIC at all, thats fuckin gay, epic is cool, gay is really NOT

I threw in the E46 info so that way I could avoid people bein liek OH GOD ARE U GAY hahaha but u did it anyways

anyways ask me at the lot… its EPIC i promise… im like dyin here shakin with excitement like a 12 year old opening up N64 on xmas

Sorry, I’d hate myself for passing up a golden opportunity like that.

The E46 M3 life changing decision is a good one, I just did it.

But srsly, spill beans please.

you arent getting the M3 because youre gonna have a kid…

You aren’t getting an E46 M3 because you decided to crash your bike and are crippled fo lyfe!#!$*???


Dooooo it.

at the lot tonight i’ll tell you why im not getting E46 anymore, trust me you will SOOooo forgive me, and if you dont your crazy, i just told my friend and hes flippin shit

btw this pic is way more enticing

Financially wise, getting an E46 M3 was a horrible idea from the start, especially in your situation.

IMO having one before having a house isn’t wise in general at all, unless you buy it wish cash.

So if you settled for something more realistic and cheaper I’ll be happy for you.

If the new idea is something ridiculous again, I’ll sit here and make silent judgment, but I’d have to know first :ninja


He bought an AMG Mercedes, i won’t tell which model though.

i can’t go to the lot tonight though?! this is worse than the teaser pic thread!

How do you figure? Great value in a car thats going to lose little of its value anymore.

Buying a car that expensive in cash is a terrible idea. Your money is better used elsewhere.

ya i agree in that situation because i dont see them depreciating much anyways,

but yea vlad dont ask me tonight what my choice was and why im not getting the m3, because your gonna hate me :smiley: but i have too, and this sets a new life standard now… i feel… reborn… ahhhhhh damn ok no more pc i gotta go for a bit i’ll be down at the lot at 10

Buying a luxury sports car, that’s nearly a decade old at a young age isn’t a good idea. It will lose value, it will be out of warranty, it won’t be a daily driver that you will be making payments on whether you drive it or not.

Buying it with credit will only make the purchase worse due to interest rates and your worsened debt to income ratio.

It’s a better idea to buy it wish cash if possible, unless you have some sort of income which needs cash to run and has a higher return % then your interest loan.

By not having you loan to begin with you save 5% of a $20,000+ purchase yearly.

I’m not going to hate you at all, people make luxury purchases to satisfy themselves all the time, and your vehicle is going to be much nicer then mine any day of the week. I just can’t allow myself to get into such a financial situation.

ok well im glad to hear that, I dont wanna hype this up too much, cuz this is more of a big deal to me than to anyone else, i dont want u all to get excited like im gonna say “IM HAVING A BABY” or some shit nah its not like that… but it is something just fantastic (too much top gear ughh)

+1 Vlad. I am of the same mindset.

My fearless guess:

Singh bought a C32 AMG.

Your reasons neglect a few things.

These cars CAN BE purchased cheap enough where they are just slightly more than the entry level mid-size car. They will depreciate considerably less. Percentages are useless here, we’re talking about how many thousand dollars lost.

Interest expenses of 4.5-5.5% rate on $25-30k over 4-5 years is considerably LESS than that same sum in CASH can make you where properly invested. 80% of the reason I sold my last E36 M3 was to get OUT the cash I had tied up in it so I could use it to make money elsewhere. Having money sitting in a depreciating asset is a bad idea and there is almost always a better option out there. Debt to income ratio is specific to each situation so we’ll leave that out.

The people that are saying “the interest on my savings account is less than the interest on my car loan so financing the car is a bad idea” arent including all the factors in the decision. If people are really seeing simple interest-bearing securities as their main (or only!!) source of investments then maybe they should worry about car loans.

Finance nerd