i hope he didnt buy a big body benz, i’m praying its like a sl500 or something.
he should buy my car :banana
Ok anyways I already told some people and they didnt e-thug me as bad as I thought, in fact no body talked some shit only one person was like uh get m3 dude its cooler or something…
but uh yea
my big life changing event took place earlier today when I decided that…
Im going to buy Acura NSX mid 90’s to 2000 well 96-00 actually with targa top.
Yea so you can e-thug me if you wanna but thats my choice, and its life changing because I have to change my lifestyle here if im going to pay my entire bike off by october and all my credit cards and NOT spend any stupid money like i always do…
If i do that then my credit is far and above what I need to get a nice nsx
I’m gonna spend 25-35 grand on an acura nsx, and maybe you think thats silly but damn its always been on my top 10 dream cars, so maybe i can finally own one of them…
I seen maybe 7 or 8 so far for under 30 grand, that have under 70 thousand miles, some with 30-40k miles aroud 96-00 model years
i think he’ll do it. but he owes me 100$ first.
NSX is one of the best looking cars ever made and handle like a dream ;D
I got arrested racing an NSX in one of my Evo’s…that was a life changing decision… :headbang
P.S. I yanked the NSX hard from a 60mph roll :banana
How would you know how they handle? I doubt anyone has let you beat on one around the turns.
I don’t know for a fact but what i’ve read about NSX’s and a few people that have driven them… is that they handle decent but are not that agile in tight turns…
an NSX is one of the few hondas I’d acctualy consider owning
and Singh, I like the NSX idea a hell of a lot better than an M3
tough call for me, convertible e46 M3, black… vs. a NSX… i’m a honda fan but damn, i dunno.
either way you should watch the top gear on the nsx. he makes some good points.
And you WONT read posts correctly but will search ebay … lol… and you pick an 01 NSX (thats not even wat im looking for) with 7 k miles on it aka brand new…
I WILL do it
I been checkin them out for the last 1 week straight on my free time without telling anybody…
Im not gonna be racing guys, just want a nice car to drive couple days a week if that… NSX has a killer look and I like the small engine small power thing… anyways shouldnt have to explain why getting an nsx is just awesome if you dont know then probably your not into cars or something, as far as the handling i’ll never drive an M3 or NSX or any performance car of that caliber to the point where the car handling will be tested to its limits, im not trying to crash cars or bikes, the handling of whatever really isnt an issue, the NSX handles better than nearly all of the cars you dudes drive anyways, not a diss just my opinion, so im not worried about buying a car that cant handle well, chances are im not gonna care because im not gonna drive it like that, if i was a track racer and looking for the best car to do some auto X with, probably would NOT get no nsx ever
but yeai wont spent 60 grand on an nsx, cannot afford to do that, but 30 grand… i can spend that
convert M3 nah son coupe only ! black yes ! E46 Yes but convert nah son, fine with the roof is down but when its up ugghh they should done a hard top convert with motorized up and down action like benz
btw only top gear stuff i can find on NSX is the EARLY 1990’s top gear back with the fifth gear guy he took the red one for a drive and said tis too perfect… that was a silly review, and then the newer type r review with the short guy on top gear said the type R was stupid cuz they just changed the leather on the shifter to some mesh and some minor shit to make it a type r and they lost vision of the nsx and that acura should give up or w/e
but i cant find the one where jeremy takes it out… i wanna see that
Yeah it was sarcasm and I did read your post. It was a joke.
oh lol alright… my bad, but yea im really set on nsx now… its a whole new motivation for me
yeah they really are beautiful cars, and also for every 1 NSX I’ve seen on the road I’ve prolly seen a dozen or more M3’s.
whats QFT mean?
NSX is prolly the best decision you could’ve made bro. They are fucking badass… I’d love to have one.
quoted for truth!
30k+ supercar making 270-290hp. :lol
Have you test driven one yet?
there is none to drive anywhere but if i get a chance you bet i will
im not buying it tomorrow im buying it in late september to october so i have some time to look into it some more, but right now im set on it
270 - 290hp is fine, who cares? its quick enough im not into the big power thing to be honest, i know alot of you guys are and i think thats awesome its just not for me, i rather drive a supercar with under 300hp than a supercar with 500+ , ok i mean own* i would love to drive one with over 500hp
word thanks
RECARO ?! LOL i just had somone telling me how cheap that brand was, maybe not or maybe so i dont know, nice nsx tho very nice bodykit for sure
the stock nsx is just great as well I wouldnt even buy a bodykit or nothing, maybe wheels
OH and I finally get to talk with all the vtec kids “I HIT VTEC y0 !!!”