I need a quiet higher-speed laser printer

What is too loud? a 42xx or 43xx series HP Laserjet

I need something quieter than that. Any ideas?

Must have removable paper tray, must print at least 25PPM

Short of relocating the printer, good luck with that requirement… :gotme:

Give 'em an old daisy wheel for a week, they’ll be begging for the HP back.


Those are some unrealistic requirements for the amount of pages they want spit out. I dont think there is anything on the market that quiet with that kind of output.

Replace the printer with an Epson MX-80 for 2 weeks, then put back the one you have now. anyone who complained will gladly take it back.

Tell them the play loud music while printing. :slight_smile:

There really isn’t another printer that’s quieter than the 42xx or 43xx series that is gonna spit out that much print. Don’t stray from HP either. HP printers are far and away the best out there.