I need a S13 STOCK!!!

guys, whoever of u that drive a STOCK S13 perfer 1993, plz pm me!

u will get PAID!


with Minor Rust!



Yea really? I second that wtf?! This post makes no sense!

well…im sorry for the lack of information…well, here, im trying to get my s13 insure BUT the insurance company wants pics of my car where i dont think they will accept it cuz its not stock, so now what im asking is if anyone would let me take some pics of their Black S13 stock, and i will pay them for lettting me to do that!

you know thats insurance fraud, right?

you know what happens if you crash? They void the policy, you get sued, go bankrupt, kill yourself.

yeah they also take pics of your vins as well as the milage on the car.
They dont care if its modified just to show that the car is not a “ghost” car where you insure a car that does not exist or that has been junked and then get a claim saying someone stole it.

i do understand what insurance fraud is…

but now, im not asking what will happen, im asking if anyone can just let me take pics of a stock S13 black with my plates on it so i can get my car insure! this is not lying to insurance company, and that would happen to some of the members too, if u saying about crash, we got our s13, s14, we changed alotta stuff, front end and everything, and insurance companies dont know that too, so we are all the same then…im not asking about comments, im just hoping if theres anyone would help me out so i can get it out for the track day coming up and meets…

and like i said, i will pay them for letting me do that!

How done up can your car be for you not to be able to take pics of it? And he wont get caught with insurance fraud because they can never find out if its the same car or not.

thank you polar_b16

well…i have a big ass exhaust in the back, i have rims and its lowered , like LOW, and the front is the drift bumper, i cant show them that, insurance company has the right to not insure me, and i dont want that happen!

do u know anyone with a stock black S13?

or at least i need a S13 with stock front and back and the side with a small exhaust, that would be good too

just not something heavy crazy changes!

i dont know about your insurance company… but mine… send one of their own people to take pics of my car… ive got a big muffler, lip kit, big spoiler, rims, slammed on coilover, racing steering wheel (with no horn at the time) she took pics if the engine bay… strut bars, cold air intake, lots of bling…
and i wasnt even questioned about anything on my car! maybe you should change insurance companies…
and yea they take pics of the VIN, and KM, even the sticker on the inside of the doors… so if i were you… id think twice about doing this…

ya they usually come and take the pictures themselves. i wouldn’t recommend doing this. maybe you should think of an alternative route.

this is such a stupid idea. you also need to learn proper grammer.

OP: you should really switch to a different insurance company, if you are really paranoid that you may not get insured or what not.



pot, meet kettle.

my insurance didnt ask about anything other than make model year & mileage. no pics etc.

so any pics?

get it off the internet

haha shit eh, just broke my ankle so i’m blaming the T3’s on that mistake.