I need this car!..discuss your thoughts

Is that ace and gary’s car?

I saw one around here last year. It has to be the ugliest car I have ever seen.

I got to drive one, it was pretty fun. Affectionatly refered to as the “nazi wagon”

i’ve always loved the m-coupes. black on black would definitely be the way to go.

fugliest bmw ever

Someday, I’ll buy my uncles.


barf. Dont loike the wagon looking rear end.

The one I drove felt very dated.

Definitely a love it or hate it kind of car.

In for love. :tup:

My grandfather owned a S54 M roadster, I LOVED that car. I all most cried when he sold it.

Make mine an S54 roadster minus the aftermarket stuff. Actually this is one of my goals for the next 5 years. I don’t understand why people are so hot on the coupe. Open-air motoring is fantastic.

The rear subframe issue; isn’t that something that is less of an issue on the roadsters?

Nope. It happens equally in both, despite the significantly stiffer chassis in the coupe. People have a hard on for the coupe because of how it drives (much better than the roadster, and I’ll beat the wheels off a roadster) and because of how rare they are/how they look.

Just get an E :wiggle: -type coupe.

How significant is the difference? For backroads aggressive driving, I am really don’t care if the hardtop version is a second or two faster on a road course.

You’ll be able to beat the roadster pleanty. Personally, I could feel the difference, but it isnt much.

mmm <3 the m coupes.