I need to

poop, but I’m at UB and don’t want to.

I think i’ll wait till i’m home, but

I have a 1.5 hour class…

Will I make it?

I hope so…

I like to poop on the 10th floor of obrain, there is a bathroom there with a locking door, a table and 2 chairs…

I assume that bathroom is for meetings

as its reserved from 12-2 the sign says

but I use it anyways if NEED be

which i try not to

anyother good spots

////rant :cry:



jesus, how about you get someone to hold your purse while you poop

seriously, your a man, you shit on command, and non of this namby pamby pussy assed “i dont like to shit in public restrooms” bullshit. If you were a real man, you would be able to shit in a dirty bucket, at noon, in the middle of summer, in times square.


renzo, renzo, renzo.

i thought you were more manly than this. I don’t even hesitate to shit in public. When you gotta go, ya gotta go. Cover the fucking seat with TP for gods sake.

This thread fails on so many levels.

While I am not a fan of shitting in public…when duty calls :P, you answer the call wherever u are.

I prefer wegmans facilities if I am close as they seem to be always nice and clean but if it came down to it I would crap in the woods and wipe with a leaf if needed.

3rd floor Student Union

5th floor Lockwood (but bring a stack of books, don’t ask, you’ll understand when you get there)

any of the top floors of NSC

This brings to mind a story ILC once told me. Where he didnt have the keycard to get into his apt. So he walks a mile across campus, passing at least 200 bathrooms, to get a new card issued. Then walks back across campus, past those same 200+ bathrooms, to shit in his apartment…

Gentleman Behold!

hahah yah I have pooped in some pretty weird places, but if there is a nice place to go…i’ll hold out…Wegmans is awesome they have like five different soaps…I’ve pooped in woods, once leaning up on a building when i was drunk, on 93z24’s chest many places…I’d have to say though, the most baller poop I ever saw was at a bills game once. A guy was pooping in the pee troff against the wall


Lame thread, and a man’s only requirement for taking a shit somewhere is there be a shitter. And even that’s negotiable.

Apparently an ocean will suffice.

I feel your pain man, Medaille has a small amount of bathrooms that are nice and private… the worst is when your out at night drinking…