I own two nissans now.

That is all. :auto:

details or I ban your ass :smiley:

it is a parts 240sx to keep his other one going :stuck_out_tongue:

all s13 owners have this

:w00t::w00t: nice ownage. Thread is super fail.

Your mom is super fail but you dont hear me complaining…







New drift slut? lol.

One slut is enough for me.

What are you 16? That come back is lame but what did I expect after you start the lamest thread on NECC.

<------ Age is listed there, Gord.
Laugh a little, its good for those ab’s

i didnt know this forum was called driftwest… oh well just another forum turned to shit

lol off 1 post? lol this is funny

Get some good come backs and I will laugh.:30: I don’t have abs its more like one big ab :biggrin:

Anyways congrats on the new wheels it looks good, I looked at Pathfinders a few times myself and one might be our next vehicle…after i get a new Titan that is.

driftwest you say, i may have to go check that out thanks:thumbup:


Got the windows tinted yesterday…

When you mounting 22s on dat yo! j/k

Every second person is expecting me to throw 22’s on it.
Im too fucking cheap for that

I love these shots Ryan, Thank you very much!!!

They are ok… :slight_smile:


looks good man, really sharp :), im looking into more camera stuff not sure where to start :S