i-phone help with CustomLowz

wtf is jail break and how do i get my phone to take video and play sirius

Jailbreaking the iPhone means to run special software that will “unlock” the features, and make it possible to install 3rd party applications on it.

Its pretty simple to do with the correct software… Let me know, and I can do it for you.

what about listening to sirius

I still have to look into that… I want to get it working on my iPhone too…

i am interested in recording video’s on my phone. will this fuck with anything else on the phone??

Nope, not at all…

what about updating it, will i have to do anything different

like your songs?

the phone will be no different as it is pre-jailbreak. all songs, data, everything will be the same. With the jailbreak, you can customize anything you can imaging on the phone… Icons, sounds, themes, different free apps, ANYTHING

It’s easy to do, you dont need CustomLowz to do it. A half retarted monkey with downs syndrome could do it.


Jailbreaking initiaily will not harm your iPhone, though it is possible to brick the phone, it does not hurt it, it just means you have to do a restore which takes about 15 minutes.

Most programs work fine with jailbreaking, but there are a few programs that can conflict with other applications on the phone causing them to not work. So far I have not had any problems with mine and i constantly mess with it and change settings.

The only problem I have had was with a program called “Kate” its supposed to be a customization tool and it caused my phone application to act up and shutdown, I could get phonecalls but the phone screen would shut down and Id have to restart my phone to end the call…

Also that site I posted is a very helpfull tool to any questions you may have

I highly recomend not installing the “installer” program with jailbreaking as half the shit you can find in cydia and most of the programs on there are lame\

As far as taking videos, their are a few video recorders but due to the iphones lacking camera its limited to about 15fps, while the quality is decent its not very fluent depending on the lighting

Everything on your phone will still be there and the same once you resync the phone and restore everything after jailbreaking, just be sure that all your contacts/data boxes are checked when backing up your phone