I played xbox live against a dude who cant use his arms or hands last night.

We were playing MW2 and just happened to play a few games against this guy.

He uses a special controller to play complex games with his mouth, lips, and chin only.

Infinity ward has made a special button configuration called “n0m4d”. You may have seen it on MW1 and WAW, and soon will be patched into MW2.

Because this hasnt been added to MW2 yet he was at a huge disadvantage by not being able to aim. He still did good at 4-10 on a sniper map.

He plays professionally and actual does well and wins money doing this.

So I had to look him up and it’s no bullshit:

Very inspiring!

wow thats crazy

I laughed really hard when I saw this threads title pop up after hitting the new posts button.

Did you talk to him with that stupid headset thing?

If so, did his character like, do a backflip or shoot his teammates when he spoke?

he should change his nickname to n0h4nd


LOL at the n0h4nd.
That’s crazy…he prolly plays better than I do on that game.

wow :tup:

I think I remember playing against someone with this name on the first COD:MW. Pretty impressive. :tup: