The cartridge didn’t fit for some reason, so a whole 50,000 mile K03 went in.

so are we up an running now?

Yep, running nice and fresh.

Just to summarize what all this car has needed since March 2008:

-Timing belt (broke 8 days after purchase)
-New Head (and all associated items like valves) Water pump was also replaced at this time.
-2 Coilpacks
-Ignition Control Module
-Oil Cooler Seal (when it dumped 4 or so quarts of oil out)
-Coolant valve/seal (it was dumping coolant out of the back of the motor onto the tranny/cat)
-Seized Turbo (I’m assuming that’s where the quart of oil per week was going)
-Hazard switch when the turn signals died
-Broken Vac Line
-Leaking tranny cooler lines (started getting low on fluid)
-Slight rad leak
-Oil cooler
-Useless OBD port (even when headunit is disconnected/removed)

$1000 later, everything is taken care of for now. I give it 2 weeks before something goes wrong.

Good deal. Well keep an eye on it. Put good gas (exxon or bp) in it this winter and make sure the battery is good. Those turbos don’t like to start in the cold cold weather. IT should be alright. Just don’t fry the throttle body and flood the cylinders with fuel if it refuses to start. That’s another $350 right there. Sadly, this is from the voice of experience :rolleyes:

Goodluck Zack- hopefully your hard work is paying off now and you have something fun to drive now.

The only hard work I’m going to have to do is work to pay my parents back. They fronted the money, but I know that’s going to be where my first couple paychecks are going to be going this summer - back to them. Took it to Foreign Traffic on Rt. 8 and said “Have at it.” I haven’t driven it yet since I’ve been at school. Going home today to clean it up and give it a shot.

Have faith dude.

I’m just going on what it has done in the past.

Got it cleaned up and out and about last night…


FWIW, the car looks really good. Hopefully you’ve got every bug out of it and it’s golden.

Well, thanks for the well wishes Lee, but we’ve spoken too soon.

My sister had the car out earlier tonight and got in a fight with a patch of ice. Some runoff from earlier froze up going across the road, and she wound up putting the front end in a ditch and tapping a telephone pole, and one of the cross bars from the top of the pole fell off and got the trunk pretty good. I haven’t seen it as I came back down to school today, so I don’t know if it’s R.I.P. or not. FWIW, she drives the car all the time and hasn’t hit anything or even gotten a ticket in it yet, and my mother went to the scene and talked to the police - It was definitely icy, so I can’t blame her or her driving. Shit happens I guess. My buddy lives right up the street from where they towed it to, he’s going to send me pics in the morning.

Is anyone else starting to think that me/my cars are cursed? I’m beginning to.

Damn thats crazy…maybe its just time

Maybe. I’m just sick of it. Everything’s fixed, it was finally running right since the first time in who knows how long, and now it might be done for. Just my luck.

They need to change the name from Murphy’s Law to Zack’s Law. I think that would be appropriate.

Wow, bad omen? Please don’t acquire/doom any more B5’s. k. thnx.bye :slight_smile:

Yeah, it must be a sign. Haha

jesus christ, sell that car at a loss at this point wouldn’t be a bad idear lol. thing sounds like it was made on june 6, 2006 at 6:06 am lol!

GEEZE! You have the the most horrible luck man. Sorry to hear.

I think it all started when you first said, I’m gonna sell this Jeep…

that sucks…

Wow. Sorry dude. I’m glad your sister is ok.

Some crappy cell phone pics… This is all I’ve seen of it. Hard to tell if it will be totalled or not.


I would not be suprised. It’s been an 11 month nightmare.

Tell me about luck… I’ve had so much bad luck with cars, it’s got to turn around sometime. I should start playing the lottery.

Yep. I can’t believe I wanted to sell it - I miss that thing every day.

Thanks man.