I race all the custom hondas and smoke them

<— shakes head and walks away silent

I smoke in my custom honda when I race.

I custom my honda in smoke when i race.

I Honda my Honda when I Honda my Honda, dont you Honda?

Someone should show up with a truck.
Ask him “You wanna hook chainz?”
Proceed to have a tug of war in said Stewarts parking lot with big turbz 'Lude.

Yo dawg I heard you like smoking and smoking custom Hondas so we blew up your custom Honda so you can smoke while you have a smoking custom Honda

dont need a truck, ill rip his frame outta the car with just my car

My dad can beat up your dad.


annnd we are back: :rofl

3:15 Yo, my car blew up on friday… I couldnt make it to the stewarts, did you go?.
3:16pm yea.
3:17pm Word, did anyone else show up to race you?.
3:17pm no.
3:17pm Someone in a white Camero SS wanted to race you. He didnt show up?.
3:18pm he didnt show.
3:18pm WTF, he said he has never lost a race to a Honda. He said you were going to loose for sure.
Yo, I just talked to him… he said he is down to race you Wed night. Are you game?.
3:33pm k .
3:34pm He ran a 6.89 @289mph 2 weeks back in FL… I think you might get beat…
3:35pm idkn.
3:35pm Your scared huh…
3:35pm no .3
:36pms ounds like it…
3:36pm ok i race him with my friends car tht is a 4.5 sec car.
3:38pm Ohh yeah whats that?

Sweet apparently his friend has a street legal top fuel dragster!

mike: talk him down until he says he has a .1 second car

workin on it! hahaha this is so much fun.

I cant help but think, that there is no way someone is this dumb… they must be mind fucking me. Maybe I am getting played here! hahahaha

3:38PM ok i race him with my friends car tht is a 4.5 sec car.
3:38pm Ohh yeah whats that?.
3:38pm a lancer.
3:40pm what motor is in it?.
3:43pm a v12.
3:43pm Since I just blew up my car friday… I am swapping in a T700-GE-701D turbo shaft engine.
3:44pm so u r not going to beat me.
3:44pm go google that shit… its makes 2000 SHP. Ill beat your ass with it
nobody will ever beat me.
3:45pm ok.
3:46pm so you agree.
you will be beat.
3:47pm i would beat u with my friends car it a 4.5 lancer.3:47pm4.5 liter lancer?.
3:48pm 4.5 second lancer it has a v12 pushing 4000rpms.
3:50pm ROFL 4000rpms? I think you have your figures wrong bud… my Moms honda odyssey’s V-TAK kicks in at 4000rpm and revs to 8000.

and then he went offline. Musta went outside to rub one off on his friends fairy lancer.

I think the nail was hit on the head earlier in the thread, simple case of an extr chromosome.

I would bet pinks on my dad’s jetta.

It seemed impossible, but I think you guys found ONE dude who knows less than me about racing.

dude, you know a V12 revs past 4KRPM, and doesnt belong in a Lancer your a few steps ahead of him I’d say.

just a hop and a skip

So is anyone actually going to race him?