Hey people,
Name is Mike, I live in Schenectady. I am usually on preludepower.com, but I think it would be cool to meet more local tuners. I am a Honda man. Well this is my ride. It is a 94 civic hatch(lowest trim) Restored from the ground up. The engine is a JDM H22a with 5-speed Lsd. Heavy duty clutch, Lightweight flywheel, aluminum crank pulley, and a 75 shot ZEX dry kit. I have brought the car to the 1/4 mile strip a few times, I am still learning how to launch, but my very first run ever I hit a 15.3, then 14.9, 14.7 a bunch of 14.5’s. Then I was able to start hitting 14.3 14.2, And on sept 29th I ran a 14.0 at 96.3mph launching at 4300 rpm on yokohama prada spec-2 tires. I know next spring I will be in the 13’s. By the way I never ran my spray on any 1/4 mile runs yet due to the fact I still have the stock jdm ecu. I am getting a neptune and after tuning I will spray at the track and expect to hit mid 12’s. So what do you guys think?
lol yah I know exactly what your talking about. It was basically a Import vs Domestic dick measuring contest. I found out because a kid I worked with printed it all out and came into work and handed me 3 pages of these nut sacks talking about my car.
Would you prefer some ricer body kit? I have stock head lights, stock tail lights, Oem fog lights, a lip kit, black rota 5 spoke 16’s and a double fin rear. (LKSI)
Yeah looks like a unique color… if you like the car that’s all that matters… I just have a different opinion haha. 96mph is a pretty good trap speed though!
I am pretty sure I can get to 13.8@97 before I get tuned. That’s on a 2 inch exhaust pipe. I have a header Being made by jon at hytech and I will get his high flow cat with 3 inch cat back. So after the new exhaust, tuning and more practice launches I should be hitting low 13’s. Once I get my best times in NA trim I will start spraying and see how much time exactly the n2o will take off the 1/4 mile.
haha it was my buddies younger brothers page idk what everyone was getting so worked up about it was ridiculous. i have a honda and i think your plate is pretty funny