i repeat

no meet until dyno.

that is all

booooooo-urns, why do you want the dyno so badly? The previous meets were fine as far as I was concerned, I think your forgetting the whole point of the niagara meet that made it popular in the first place, just a bunch of 240 enthousiasts meeting up, having a good time, decent food, and a cruise.

the dyno serves the purpose of sorting out the people who brag and lie

dont make us usurp your niagara powers!

ill be super pissed if this meet got cancelled just because we cant find a

dyno… common ive been looking forward to this meet since last fall meet.


how about someone finds me a portable DYNO!!!11

for under $1200 bucks to get here.

bing is talking shiznit he would never cancel the meet!.. would he? :frowning:


No honestly though - a dyno would be very cool but Bing. Have you considered the noise levels? Tim Hortons is gonna call the cops fo’ shizzle.

Here’s an idea. How about we stay in the GTA, and hit up a local dyno? And then go to Mandarin.

And save the gas money/time driving to Niagara

:idea: :roll:


HUH?! :stuck_out_tongue:

PS - I actually held shift that whole time, thats how SERIOUS I AM!


no one listen to Mark, he wont come anyways.

FUKK the noise…

that is WHY we have this in NIAGARA…

because the police will BE ON THE DYNO…

i will make you guys a deal…

you guys get a dyno here and i will arrange to have a police car do a pull on it.

at worst i will have police officers off duty with their own cars on the dyno.

tim hortons cant do shit, we own the land and the land behind us. its in the middle of the day so anyone who doesnt like it can eat a fat dick.

if i dont see a MARKED POLICE CAR on a dyno, i’m gonna kill

put up some $$$ on it then…

here is what i am thinking…

as opposed to $60 per pull, lets up it to $80 and contribute $20 for every pull to the transport fee.

if we can get 25 cars on the thing then that is $500.

maybe i can negotiate down to $900 for the guy to come down and i will arrange a hotel room for him for one night and food for his entire stay (he better like chinese food alot)

that leaves $400 left…

i’ll see if i can take $100 from the food take and maybe we’ll get 2 booths from JDMP and maybe someone else… at $100 per would leave $100 left and if need be i will pay out of pocket for it.

donations of $10 - $20 will be much appreciated because i doubt we will get booths even though there is interest.

i also have a feeling that people will pussy out at $80 a pull, but then again we can pre-sell the spots.

averaging 4 people per hour we would need over 6 hours of solid dyno time. since we leave for the falls just before 7 we would have to start the meet at noon.

we can have the dyno going over the dinner period because it is buffet anyways.

i’ll dyno my mom’s van if we need to cover extra spots…lol

Hell, maybe I’ll even throw my pig on the dyno in the name of donation!

Meh, i hate leaving the city. Anything outside my realm, frightens me.

Have fun anyways, post pics.

Meh, i hate leaving the city. Anything outside my realm, frightens me.

Have fun anyways, post pics.[/quote]

ur cash and flares are pick up only btw.

Meh, i hate leaving the city. Anything outside my realm, frightens me.

Have fun anyways, post pics.[/quote]

ur cash and flares are pick up only btw.[/quote]Oohhhh, you cheeky slag!