I should start smoking pot again.

This has been rattling around in my head all day:

Assuming there is a near-infinite number of “things” (people, atoms, electrons, whatever) in the universe existing in states of near-infinite quantum superposition in which each individual “thing” is a variable collapsed into a state of “one-ness” by the observation of the primary being (in this case, each of us), wouldn’t it be true that for every infinetessimal increment of time we each define a new parallel reality in which we, and the variable observed, are the sole survivors?

Well in another time at the same exact time as now u are actually a 300 pound man who smokes pot. The world is a mysterious place mike…

Absolutely. :dunno:

x 2

I’d like nothing more than to punch you for making me read that and try to understand it in the state of intoxication that I’m in right now.

Sort of like the episode of Star Trek where all the alternate “Enterprises” came together in a single reality due to a tear in the quantum field of the universe? :dunno: