Time to blow your mind...


Interesting, yet I call bullshit.

the galaxy and the string theory are what I always think about baked.
Discovery channel fuckin blows my minds with this shit. love it

this is interesting i love reading this shit. lol

blew my mind.

Sirius looks serious.

thats my hood yo

Hey, less time on the web…more time swapping my shiet.

i love it when people talk about god… knowing that the stuff above is not a lie, and even if it is it is still truer than god.

That’s really kickass, I’m definitely linking it to everyone.

Ha! Dan just blew me! lol

Space period boggles my mind, so fascinating.

and all ya’ll thought i was crazy!!!

no actually we all just thought you were ugly lol…sorry

Thats messed up but i dunno if there is no god there’s got to be something with more authority than us…



What created all those things up there?

There is more to life then what we know and we are not alone in this world, I’m 100% shure one day we will discover life out there somewhere, maybe not in our life time, I hope it is within our life time. As far as God goes, I love it when people talk about God too, because the bible is just some ones version of what happened, no one knows what realy happened but people still need something to believe in. At this point and time Science is explaining many different thing from the bible but science still hasn’t explained how it all started? And is there life after death?.. if life is energy and energy is a continuous circle then that means life never stops. Science still can’t proove that.

It seems like science can explain everything between birth and death but nothing before and nothing after. It tells us how we envolved and how the planets were formed but it doesn’t tell us what formed matter and atoms. It tells us how we are born and how we die but it doesn’t explain what happens after the death of our body. Does a soul exist and what happens to it.
Religion explains it but there is no proof to back it up.

Sorry I’m not high of drunk right now so I can no longer keep this discussion going…

You know what I know?

I know that my 240sx has a modified SR20DET under the hood and I know I love having a great time and fucking many different women… That’s what I know. Fuck everything else.

i know that the other planets are 3x almost 4x earth, how come we cant see… just because its that far away ? that is crazy shit -

^^ man 3 or 4 times earth… try like 1000 lol
