Words from a very smart man


I hate Carl Sagan…only because my brain turns to liquid about half way through his rants. I’ll listen later.

I have watched the entire Cosmos series. Both amazing and brain melting.

Any chance of posting a link or what the segment is called? I am on my ipile and can’t see anything.

You Are Here [Carl Sagan Tribute Series, S01E10]

the concept of Sagan’s Year is probably one of the most important things to take into account when considering the significance of human life.

Love it :tup:. Looks like I know what I will be doing for a majority of the rest of the day.

Interesting how I watched a video by louie giglio last sunday night that referenced that same picture.

I could listen to this all day.


I could understand people who arent smart not enjoying this.

I’m laughing my balls off. I had two ipiles and one of the main reasons I switched to android was to view flash material.

i’ve always had a problem with the argument that the earth’s insignificance- and that of its inhabitants and their actions- in comparison to the scale and scope of the universe is somehow a call to greater peace and understanding between those inhabitants. if the earth and the events that take place here are of so little import to the vast universe, why should any inhabitant of this planet feel their actions or the consequences of those actions are any more important?

although the rivers of blood are absolutely senseless and the ends pursued are pointless when viewed in this larger setting, the loss of life is no more significant.

Nihilism :tup:

Reminded me immediately of this:

that seems to be exactly what sagan is suggesting…not so much in the big lebowski sense…that there is no such thing as social, moral or ethical norms that are not arbitrary, so you might as well do whatever you want because none of it matters anyway.

what sagan is suggesting is sort of the other side of that same coin. the machinations of the inhabitants of earth and the resulting violence and destruction are without purpose. bombing some country back to the dark ages to control their natural resources is a pointless exercise when seen against the backdrop of the vastness of space, and therefore humans should not pursue these nefarious ends. it is nihilism with a positive twist put on the end.


Why was this locked for a while? Slip up?

I am pretty sure it was locked on accident

Slo Ride
I truly appreciate that you articulate in depth analytical thoughts about these subjects. Weather I agree or not it is nice to see people really explain their further thoughts on a subject.

However all I have to contribute is…

So good

We fuck you up!

cool link that is sort of related…
