The secret life of chaos

Very interesting video series made by BBC that was released earlier this year dealing with grasping how we has humans came about. Please check your religious or anti-religious beliefs at the door as I am not looking for either side to offend the other here.

It’s about an hour long, broken into 6 10min vids, so watch and lets hear what you have to think.

meh, if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.

I just started watching it and it seems like a BBC rip off of “cosmos.”

SHould I even continue? Because almost nothing can compete with cosmos.

The part where he shows the camera filming the match and its own video… I did that when i was like 10 yeas old with my parents camera for hours trying to figure out where those patterns came from.

What’s cosmos?

That was pretty cool.

edit: Just downloaded FractalWorks lol

If you have netflix you can watch it streaming. Obviously a little outdated, but just awesome.

good watch. BBC always puts on good science documentary shows. :tup:

The changing liquid was pretty interesting to think about in context to how cells know to work together in unison without a central driving point.