I stumbled across something crazy...

Maybe I’m just a noob, but I found something I’ve never seen before…

I was going through some old SNES roms and found this gem, it’s fun as hell too:

I even made a lame pic with some screenshots and captions ;] ;]


thats fuckin wild…

yes that is me

Okay it’s really Masaaki Bandoh, a crazy Japanese tuner.

crazy JDM snes games ftw!%

link to the rom download site plz :smiley:

Sealazone/Bandoh N2 Silvia is a sick car.


^ what does that have to do with anything?

but it IS pretty “sick”

well that’s great… and what exactly is the game called? <something something> part 2!?

Masaaki Bandoh, a crazy Japanese tuner

the game is called drift master something or other, just google it… ;]


Very cool find!

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo snap… Who needs GT4.