Venezuela nationalized it’s oil companies (which also includes Citgo, BTW), and yet, new development has dropped off dramatically - ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips have even bailed on the country (Part of that also included a “I want the Orinoco projects” that was pulled by Chavez, though).
Despite all that (and cheap, regulated gas), Venezuela still can’t improve their own economy significantly (even though Chavez has spread some petrodollars around the region to buy off support). And many of the mid-level managers in these companies have bailed as the government installed their own cronies - so the oil expertise is vanishing from there too.
Once recognized as a world leader among state-owned companies, PDVSA today is a troubled entity struggling to cope with responsibilities that far exceed merely pumping oil.
I was just kidding, but seriously STFU. Just kidding, Seriously:)
Truly I want more free trade and less government control over anything. The government doesn’t know it’s ass from a hole in the ground why should I trust them in doing anything?
He owns a machine shop, but what I was saying is that the decisions he makes does not influence the economy as much as oil companies do. So the whole argument that I would be calling for government ownership of my dads shop was invalid.
What do gun collectors need bullets for? Bullets should be fucking expensive if you don’t buy them from a shooting range. I mean who cares if it costs $150 for a clip if you’re only going to use it when your life is in danger
Ouch, I don’t think you should tax the bullets anymore than anything else. And I have been more or less convinced that socializing the oil industry wouldn’t truly work.
A 500% tax on ammo is probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. All it does is punish the legitimate gun owner who likes to shoot for sport, while doing nothing to stop the criminal who wants to occasionally fire randomly into a crowd. Lets face it, if you want to go on a shooting spree you’ll probably just buy your ammo on a credit card figuring you’re not going to be around to pay the bill anyway.
I hate guns… but I think 500% tax on ammo is fucking stupid too. I do think its hilarious that Exxon mobil and Chevron have posted their best quarters of all time. Who was the jackass that said it was the middle man that was making money ?