I think my car just floated away

It was crazy!!! Our house got zapped by lightning, sparks everywhere but luckily no fire…just a bunch of stuff is fried, our stove, my pc and stereo, my sis’s NIC, a tv or two, some lamps…etc…funny thing is power never went out and it was out all around us, not even a tripped breaker…now it’s just a waiting game with ins. to hopefully get our stuff replaced…

me either…i guess at my parents house last nite they got a power surge and the stove ignited and a bunch of stiff doesnt work now there…

read previous poster

i was in chautauqua all night, not a drop of rain, bolt of lightning or thunder. nothing.

I was sittin here and “felt” it too, all the lights got weird and the puter went Brrp.