I took the ASVAB today

you know peopel saying they got all these 90 dosen’t makes any sense … i’ve seen 4 diffrent types of scoring ont he asvab where the scoring got anywhere from a max of 50 to a max of 130 and there diffrent scores for individual fields

I am talking about the score they hand you immediately after the test, not the individual sections and what not.

I don’t really know anything about the test you took but from the sounds of it you kicked ass on it so congratulations!! Anyone want to explain to me what the test involves?

there is the composite breakdown and the overall, the overall is based off of 99 points, (used to be 97 when i took it) the only real important score is the gt (general technical) if its over 110 then your able to go into most technical fields. Good luck and happy hunting.

Yeah but aren’t the scores also given to you based on percentile? That would explain their scores.

:word: best said so far. GT score is all that matters

Well, i will get the breakdown on tuesday night/wednesday morning when I go in and have the physical.

good luck to you!

and i might have missed it but what are you planning on joining?

Any Q’s about flightline AF life I can probably answer. But I would recommend a job that can get you paid in the Civ world. Not that many privately owned ‘tactical’ aircraft around.

this is a little OT, but what line do you work on?

Well, i joined today. I enlisted in the Army as an 11x with intent for special forces/ranger which includes airbourne and E3 rank. I ship on may 25, 2006.

I believe I socred 2nd highest in Akron history.

good job grunt work is where it’s at … plus promotions are really quick …you’ll learn to love being a grunt … it’s much more fun that those “technical” jobs

Thanks, should be intresting. Ive got to spend the next 5 months getting in shape for this.

out of 3 ppl?


does everyone that takes this test somehow get in the 90+%?

congrats though :tup:

my theory is there’s a lot fo stupid people out there … look at states like mississippi and alabama … nuff said… that and i don’t think people know how to read the test correctly

there is an option that wan’t given to you, which is SF straight from basic. if you went 11B with the hopes of SF just know that it will not happen in an instant, and you might have to re-enlist to go the SF route. Congrats, on the enlistment, what is your BCT post location?

I worked a “technical job” and got to spend 1,600 hours in a chinook, fixing the best technology around, chasing bad guys at 100ft with guns rocking, and spent every night in a warm tent. Grunt work is fun, but its tough on the body, and you realize its not so fun when the helicopters fly overhead on their way to the camp site, while your humping it with a 40lb ruck. and you don’t get FAA licenses for getting your expert qual on the M-16 or MK19, but you do with a boring “technical” jobs :slight_smile:

I took that option, right out of basic i got to meet with my ranger group, then I hit airbourne. Good 'ol Fort Benning.