I took the ASVAB today

actually SF is desperate for qualified people … he won’t have problems but your right about it getting garuanteed

:tup: congrats hope everything works out for ya!

it’s OK fobbit … i wasn’t picking on you. then again who do you support? who do you carry around?
grunts ahve to know a lot more than you think … think about it … mechanized has to know mechanics…morter and artillery jobs to call for fire, just some examples … i have to know what the eye in the sky knows so i can talk to him so he understands

i was’t attacking, just saying that there are so called technical jobs that can be just as fun, and can give you skills when you get out. We carried everyone, and no one. Sometimes it was 11b from big green, sometimes ranger batt or sf, and sometimes the “bragg” or “navy” guys. and sometimes we did gun runs that was not close air support, just out tearing stuff up. 11b can be fun, but there is more to the army than being a gun bunny.

Congrats and good choice with the Army

but as far as i knew you had to be atleast an E-5 to be SF? I know that you can go right into airborn/air assault/ranger n all the other hooah schools right away… but SF is for 5’s and higher… and the SF bonus is something crazy like $100,000 now

either way good luck and have fun in basic… it sucks while you’re there, but once you’re home you’re going to miss it and tell every person around you stuff that happened there

SF is hurting, they will accept you and promot to e-5 prior to the start of training, if you bolo the course you lose the rank. Its the same as a flight warrant position, you go to basic, get your 5 pinned on enroute to WOC school.

:word: when i was in Hood they were trying to recruit people … i’m seriously considering … you gotta pass the physicial and the PT test by the 18-21 standards 43 PU 53 SU 15:54 2mile run
i’m just worried about my situps … i never could do them always barley pass those … however PU are in the 50’s usually and run is usually in the 13’s

SF is an E4 requirement. I will be going to basic/ranger training and getting kicked out of airplanes, and I was told when I acheived E4 I would be approached by SF.

98 Red Ex, does it say on your 10 page initial entry packet that you will go from basic, to airborne school, to ranger training, in that order. Or did they give you the story that as soon as you get out of basic they will ask who wants to go. Cause i’ll give you 2 pieces of information that will save you in the army 1. make copies of anything you sign and get from uncle sam, you need YOUR OWN SET at all times. now for the important one 2. IF ITS NOT ON PAPER, YOU DIDN’T GET IT, me and many others have been down the chute, and learned the hard way, i think sprfreek will agree

even if its ont in writing if you’re going active its REALLY easy to get airborn right out of training… they send recruiters there halfway thru your AIT to talk about it. Im not sure how difficult it is to get ranger and SF? im sure as long as you can pass the PT tests thay’ll take you

YES, in WRITING i go to OSUT in benning for 13 weeks 6 days, then to BAC Airborne for 2 weeks 4 days. I have copies of all and will be doubling up on copies soon. I am in for option 40, rangers, and option 70 “Statement of intent for special forces selection”. My first unit of assignment is RGV4.

the hard core sections of the military are hurting in general … as people get softer and less crazy

Lol, softer and less crazy.

good at least it sounds like you did your homework and your getting what you want :tup: