I-Tunes RULEZ v. LocutusSuxAtRatingSoftware


I will say, iTunes 7 is pretty kick-ass. w/o being an uber-geek, well, they added some nice stuff re: display of media / song lists / album art, and it’s sleeker, and yet still easy to use

was a new thread really nessecary

About as necessary as your post…

I dont understand why they dont start letting you change the color of the actual Ipod screen. When I use mine at night I wish I could have a black backround with whit lettering so that its not as bright. I think Itunes will be perfect when they start letting you pick your skins of the Ipod itself.

^^ The whole ipod itself should be an lcd screen. That way I could change the background color, and the whole ipod would look like it was a new color.

In addition to that, with a black screen and white lettering, you are saving on battery power too. It probably won’t be that significant since the screen (at least on the nano) stays illuminated for 30 seconds or so.

you mean like the patten documents they applied for about 3 months ago in which the device does that. Welcome to 16:9 Ipod

Yep, but pattents != product. I’ll only believe it once it becomes reality.

prototype and releases where apple has printed pictures of it work?


Close, but I still don’t believe everything I see in blurry photographs. Lots of people thought they were going to announce it at the keynote, but they didn’t shrug

they are not suppose to do it till chirstmas time, some one needs to read digg more

Yeah, I had already seen this on digg on the 11th (maybe the 10th). I, like a lot of people that commented on the story, were skeptical of that article that said it might be release at the keynote. Again, I don’t believe it until it’s out.