The new iPods

Although Apple hasn’t announced any radically new video iPod, as some suspected it would, the entire iPod line has been refreshed with new features. The larger, video-capable iPod now has a battery that plays video for 6.5 hours, comes in 30GB ($249) or 80GB ($349) capacities, and has a screen that’s 60% brighter than the previous model.

As for the Nano, it’ll come in five colors, adding color back into the iPod line after the discontinuation of the iPod Mini. The new iPod Nano will come in a 2GB ($149, aluminum chassis only), 4GB ($199, in blue, pink, green, silver, or black), or 8GB ($249, black only) capacity.

Finally, the Shuffle’s back, also with an aluminum chassis, in a 1GB capacity for $79. Jobs called it the world’s smallest MP3 player, which doesn’t sound right, considering that players the length and width (if not depth) of a postage stamp have been around for years.

All of the new iPods will offer gapless playback, so now I will have something to tell all of the people who email me asking for advice on a gapless MP3 player (the Rio Karma used to offer gapless playback, but was discontinued years ago). You can also now buy games for the iPod such as Pac-man from iTunes for $5 a pop. The iPod charger’s size has also been reduced, and the included earbuds have been improved. People who care about sound quality tend not to use the earbuds that come with their MP3 player, but at least people who don’t replace them will benefit from this.

That appears to be it for the iPods, although this doesn’t rule out the possibility of a networked home video device still to be announced.

Update: Although my speculation about the possibility of Apple announcing a music subscription service was off, I was right (above) about the networked video product. Near the end of the keynote, Jobs announced a product that will be available in Q1 of next year that will allow you to watch iTunes-purchased movies on the TV in your living room using a Wi-Fi connection. Jobs called it the “iTV,” but said that name was not final.

So who’s waiting for an 80GB ipod? Me.

I’m waiting to get an ipod in general. :slight_smile: i hated them at first…now i just want one really bad.

it’ll be my next purchase.


My boyfriend is already trying to pawn his 60GB off on me so he has a reason to buy the 80GB. Too bad for him I want a pink nano now.

ohhhhh they come in pink?

that’s it. i’m going to buy one.

I prefer the nano over the ipod… I cant see a point in having an 80.

<3 my nano

EDIT_ I would if MINE didnt kick the bucket so often.

mine took a shit a coupple weeks ago and it was 2 weeks out o warrantee. i serriously have no idea how i lived with out one. as sad as this sounds, im going though iPod withdrawl haha. i had the 4th gen 20 gig one and that wa fine for me. i will prob upgrade to the 30 gig video but i really dont need the video or color screan…the 30 gig size is what appealed to me the most. o and if any1 knows where i could get a BRAND NEW 40 gig 4th gen, fora decent price, let me kno.


ewwwwwww looks like a small mini… OLD nano styling FTW!

i like the new shuffle, its all i need for airplanes, and rollerblading.

fuck ipods

creative >ipod any day of the year

Goddamn it… I just bought a nano 1GB too…

Creative has crappy S/N ratio specs. 90db> For shame.

New shuffle:

And yeah, I don’t like the mini look on the nanos now…but it’s still bright pink, so that makes up for it for me.

I jsut don’t like the shuffle because of the no screen… i like to see what i’m searching through… instead of having to remember

i really like that shuffle…i like things super small… (technology wise)


lol and the ipod has a screen from the 80’s

so there :slight_smile:

30 gig or 80 gig, way to play the extremes Apple.

Who cares about the screen. I am not looking at the screen, I am listening to the music. In this case, Apple > Creative.