I wanna go to school to do something with cars

If you are really thinking about nursing, shoot me a pm tomorrow and we’ll talk. As far as them paying for school after you graduate…UPMC pays 100% of my tuition. If you work for UPMC, they will provide tuition assistance to you as an employee. Otherwise, you can sign a contract saying you will work for them as a nurse for 2 years after graduating. Obviously, I’m biased toward UPMC. I’ve worked at lots of other places and this is by far the best employer thus far. However, lots of other hospitals offer tuition assistance as well. I highly suggest that anyone interested in nursing take a job as a nursing assistant for a while before starting nursing school. This really gives you a good idea of what is involved and if you will like the field. I hate to see people enter nursing school with no clue of what’s to come and then drop out after either one semester (they drop like flies during A&P) or the first clinical rotation.