I want a smart car...

no, really, now i do…


(video gets a it old after a while, but the last 10 seconds are kind of cool…)

holy hell, that is really sick, but LOL at that car drifting just too funny

Smart car + turbo + hyabusa motor = win.

edit: a video of one with a 1100cc gixer motor http://media.putfile.com/Diablo-19mb

cant freaking watch this at work

haha, i want that for a golf cart

Fucking sweet.

those are sweet…but one accident…your done

actually thats wrong, there are several videos of those cars getting the shit railed out of them by much larger cars and hitting concrete barriers and such, and they are actually very safe. video google it


Actually they are fairly safe.

Edit: You guys beat me to it while I was looking for the link…:meh:


i was looking at these at the toronto car show. pretty neet if you ask me but really small. buuuuut, i think i would rather mod this than a civic for the fact its rwd.

lol thats awesome

yeah thats hot

RWD manual trans, 1700 lbs, and 4 cylinder madness

This shouldnt even really be an issue. You are protected more while driving one of these rather than riding a motorcycle, right?

a LOT more

i like it and will own one when i can get my hands near one.

wow, thats totally my style. i love it :tup:

lol, not bad at all… I was waiting for little go kart to crash the way it was whipping around. Sweet vid!:tup: