I want to know about the Freemasons

My sister is married to a Romanian we could dress him up and fight him in the woods. Then substitute historic cities with bars dt with beer!!!

my god. i’m free saturday. ahah

LOL fly to Seattle?


This man speaks the truth, they’re all over.

So what the hell. Lets have a NYspeed mass join. Realy though I’d love to join.

seem to be pretty good without

Freemasons are no joke. A good part of the people who signed the decoration of independence were in it… NYS Governor David Paterson is a mason. Houdini, general Bradley, buzz Aldrin, Henry Ford, Red skelton, Cy Young. ect ect ect were all free masons.

I plan on doing this eventually, but working 40 hours a week and now im starting college next week i really do not have time for it in my life right now.

Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?
We do, We do.

Who keeps Atlantis off the maps?
Who keeps the Martians under wraps?
We do, we do.

Who keeps back the electric car?
Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star?
We do, we do.

Who robs cavefish of their sight?
Who rigs every Oscar night?
We do, we dooooooo.


One of my friends was telling me that he got asked to be one…I gave him a weird wtf look and proceeded to die laughing.

Where’d you get that picture of the last mod meet?

on discovery channel right now

Bump for Dan Brown’s latest novel. Exact same story as all of his other novels only this time the Masons instead of the knights templar or the illumanti are the ancient society guarding mankind’s greatest secret. :awdrifter:

You drank the red cool aid?!


learned to dislike the masons in the military… they’re the reason DA photos became bust shots, b/c of the rings ect and favoritism. when your CO and 1stSgt have HUGE (as in obnoxious walk crooked b/c they’re too heavy) rings and the compass logo’s on their desk name plates… along with being called “white boy” and “yankee” it didn’t add up to a positive experience.

Interesting buildings. I was looking to buy a Mason’s Lodge in Kenmore to run a new venture. 9000 sq ft building with 2+’ thick walls for less than $200k

Upstairs in their meeting room. Sorry, was dark and I had the shitty camera.


There has been one(temple or w/e) near the Y in OP forever.

See also bilderberg or illuminati or Bohemiem club or NWO

wonder who they got to do the brick work?