ok, wtf is a free mason again?lol
It is a charitable foundation that does masonry work for free. lol
You Tube has a bunch of “conspiracy” videos on this stuff.
Like I said before- See also bilderberg or illuminati or Bohemiem club or NWO
SIQ, lol, best post yet in this thread.
lol at people publicly admitting to reading a dan brown novel.
Yeah, well, I’m also in the middle of Dante’s Divine Comedy and a biography of James Madison, so I average out to pretty intelligent reading.
if you want to know about how truly sinister the top elite of this group are, then just read allister crowleys books. he was a 33rd degree freemason and he will tell you all about what the little peon members know nothing about. Or albert pikes books, he was 33rd degree and an admitted satanist.
Yeah, Ozzy wrote a song about him and the guys from Led Zepplin lived in his house. He was a satanist right?
read Dr Faustus by Christopher Marlowe. i read this in one of my philosophy courses. i usually read this about once a year. if this is your thing i have a whole list of “heavy” books you would be interested in
lol we’ll see. I didn’t make it through Inferno because I was listening to it on tape (so to speak) and it’s way too heavy for me to process audially.
It’s a huge temple too. My mom’s house is across the street from it. During normal hours or whatever the church rents the basement for pancake breakfasts or something.
You can see spots on the wall where large signs or paintings or something are removed whenever there’s going to be “non-members” in the building. They have meetings usually after dark (like 7pm in winter and I dunno, 10pm in summer) and have a guy that will typically take a smokebreak outside, nonstop, until the meeting is over.
Really cool interesting stuff when you’re ten or under. Then you realize, like cougarspeed said, it’s just a social group like any other, for networking. Like Skull and Bones society or Mensa except more generic. My grandfather was asked to join when his business became successful but he denied adamantly and has some kind of strife against them.
From what I’ve heard, in the small towns it’s usually upper middle class who are asked to join, and whoever is richest is asked to join to help them with their own networking and reputation. My grandpa was (or is, I dunno) the richest guy in town and I think they only asked him because he had money and they expected donations, which is the reason he doesn’t like them.
I dunno if you can just download and read their books, the ones I’ve seen need “decoding” or are written in a slightly different language or some shit.
What ever happened to that idea?Thought it was kind of cool that you and I were going to have statues made for the new place.LOL jk
Yes alesiter crowley was a dispicable man, he once proclaimed to have committed 100 child sacrafices in one year. He performed a masonic “ritual” with his son in which his son died. He was married twice and both his wives ended up in insane asylums. There was also a woman he had a one night stand with who ended up in an asylum, the next day. He proclaimed he was “the best 666” and his mistress Leila Waddell had the mark of the beast tattooed between her breasts.
The decoration of independence?
I have family who are active masons- he tells us out of all the stuff you hear about them, crazy or not, majority of it is true- I make sure i ask him how the global takeover and new world order is coming.
here are some links- http://warofillusions.wordpress.com/category/freemasonry/
:picard: Are you a troll or really just a fucking nut job?
maybe just one of the last people on earth to use ICQ…
History channel has a show on right now about the NYC tunnels and the mason connection.
Earlier they had a show about the holy grail in the USA and connected the masons to that as well.
Really BED? i thought you were better than that to believed what dan brown writes. He thinks the illuminati is a group of nomad scientists who have an ancient war with the vatican.