I want to start a new website...

With Whitey’s blessing of course.


A forum completly devoted to talking shit.


just build it off westpadsm since it don’t work

it woudl have worked if all the people on it werent fags. And i just let the domain expire on that shit. Wasnt worth the $5 a year to keep it going.

:rofl: I’ll make it a sub-domain of my site (with Whitey’s permission of course, since I’m on his server). It would be shitspeed.jtscripts.com.

We always thought about making PittDrama.com.

tell you the truth not the biggest fan of the name…



call it darkstar’s stupidshit talking out his ass.fag

.fag :rofl:

thats fucking classic.



every word spelled right and even the correct use of an apostrphy to show possession! :bowdown:
