i wantto make sexy time with this - pics and stats


144,219,469 bytes in 45 minutes off limwire

bandwidth test says ive got 10mbps download speed

40mb files from the intraweb take like 2min


FIOS? :slight_smile:

fios downloads songs off limewire faster then i can find songs i want

and all im doing is finding artists and double clicking on everything that catchs my eye …

I hooked up a customer of ours for the 20mbit… Good stuff. BTW, if anyone is using FIOS with a Linksys router, the WAN port on the Linksys can only handle 5mbits so your shit will be capped.

actiontec m1424wr router here …

the linksys we had for dsl was shit …

Fix the clock on your camera, HRK…

yea, i orgot i screwed that up the one night while i was tying tofind onee of fthe options … while drunk


yea, i orgot i screwed that up the one night while i was tying tofind onee of fthe options … while drunk I then traveled back in time



i love when you get drunk and that happens


I hooked up a customer of ours for the 20mbit… Good stuff. BTW, if anyone is using FIOS with a Linksys router, the WAN port on the Linksys can only handle 5mbits so your shit will be capped.


Is that all the linksys ones?

No FIOS for me yet! Not in my area yet. I here it’s like $90 a month though


I hooked up a customer of ours for the 20mbit… Good stuff. BTW, if anyone is using FIOS with a Linksys router, the WAN port on the Linksys can only handle 5mbits so your shit will be capped.


bahhh, is that why my laptop only gets like 3-4 and my home pc gets 10m???


Is that all the linksys ones?


I don’t know what firmware this customer had on his linksys WRT54G but I doubt they have changed anything. I would either search their site or look for firmware revision history and see if that is true for all routers.

very nice!



ahaha cant wait for fios


No FIOS for me yet! Not in my area yet. I here it’s like $90 a month though


the 50 mb package is. you can get it for as cheap as $40/month.

and you shoulda got this through me :stuck_out_tongue:

where abouts are you located?


and you shoulda got this through me :stuck_out_tongue:

where abouts are you located?


would have but it wasnt m that got it, dad did, and sinc my family had to originaly fight to get cable a few yeears back, i wasnt messing with his doings

as soon as he was able to sign up for the FioS waiting list, he did, and i didnt even say anything about it. onee day he just started asking me about fios

south end of borden rd in west seneca

is niagara falls ever going to get FIOS

I dont think its coming to rochester :frowning:


is niagara falls ever going to get FIOS


its barely anywhere just yet


the 50 mb package is. you can get it for as cheap as $40/month.

and you shoulda got this through me Why?

where abouts are you located? Near the Thruway plaza

