I will never talk bad about NY again...

I’m spending the week down in NJ for work. Staying between Giant Stadium and Newark. Holy FUCK this state sucks. It stinks, the people are straight up DOUCHE BAGS. And to top it all off, I walked down to the gas station last night to grab a few beers since the bar connected to the hotel charges like $7 a beer. But NOOO, gas stations don’t sell beer, only liquor stores. None of which are around. Seriously FUCK NJ and their couch. /rant

That’s no different that mass about the beer thing.
Go further down south. They have drive-thru liquor stores

NY still sucks. Idc what you say. Lol

Yeah, mass and ct have their “package stores”. Im
In the semi-hood, you’d thing liquor stores would be plenty, but nope, guy at the gas station told me the closest one was quite a ways away and I didn’t have a car. No way my pasty white ass is walking through the hood to get beer. Ended up having a few at the bar in the hotel. Today’s adventure is finding a liquor store

That hotel defiantly understands the concept of supply and demand. $7 a beer cuz they know it’s the only place around to get one. Lol

If there was a nuclear war the only survivors would be cockroaches and people from Jersey. Anytime I see someone driving like an asshole sure enough the plates are from Jersey.

:lol. 100% correct

Jersey’s not all that bad…

For starters, look at the price of fuel there compared to here

Northwest Jersey is really nice actually

Def! Southern Jersey is nice as well, near newark and trenton sucks. thats really about it. unfortunately those are just the places most people visit for business etc so they dont get to see much of the state

Yea I like Wildwood. The rest I did not

Ask Wayne/Mike about NJ.


City or State Paul Walker?

Whole northeast sucks.

Woof. :haha


you can get alcohol delivered. some wine store

LMAO easy killer:ohnoes

The whole state should be used as an artillery range for the rest of the country.


Gas is 3.89 I think at the gas station I walked to. Not worth the price of being in this shit hole