I wish the South would have won the civil war

well why dont you elaborate as to why you think my statement is so gay?

Because then it wouldn’t be United States idiot!

you forgot the all-NASCAR channel :doh:

why wouldnt it? There’s more than one state north of the Mason-Dixon line. There would just be another country below us called something else. Like the “Confederate Backwoods Hick-ass Sister Fucking States of Bubbaland”.

I’m sure they’d save a nice plot of land for yourself.

I’m sure they would. Can you call and make the reservation for my plot. Thanks!

And I wouldn’t want to get a damn passport just to go Florida or the Keys on vacation.

well you have to remember that Florida wouldnt be made up mostly of retiree’s from the North as it is now. It would be populated by people like this:

(on second thought, I’ll get to work on reserving that plot for you)

Thanks a lot you been such a big help. Now I can live out my life long dream. :rolleyes:


I’m glad I could be of assistance.

And that has what to do with the fact I’m proud of my heritage and educated?

Street Smarts > Educated

I have a nice balance of both…

that has to do with with the fact that you don’t tell the whole story.

I didn’t want to be bothered doing this cause its a waste of my time…but since you think your SO educated on it. & claim slavery had nothing to do with the war…

first of the problems started around 1820 during the Missouri Compromise, not 1850 like you said…then in the 1830’s with the increase in abolitionists made it escalate…The compromise of 1850 slowed things a bit but then came the ?-nebraska act i think it was 1854 or something that brought up the issues again…& from there things grew into war.

You claim that it was over states rights vs. government rights…you are correct, but the right to do what?? one of the main things was own slaves

the South was heavily dependant on slaves & it was not only a moral issue but an economical issue…granted the average southerner could not afford to own slaves, but the south was still heavily dependant on agriculture(whereas the north was growing & moving towards industry) The majoirty of the souths economy was based on agriculture, so the ebolishment of slavery would have been a heavy blow to the souths economy.

i’m done here…:drop the mic:

hey easy on fayette nam


Wow, I wonder how many hits wikipedia got while people in this thread were trying to argue over this. :rofl:

you sound guilty :rofl:

It seems to be 271 on my cable.

:picks up the mic: Eh, if the south would have won they would have gotten rid of slavery as well. Maybe not as soon, but that shit wouldn’t have lasted. Its pretty mean.

:rofl: understatement of the year