Civil War anyone?

New Hampshire Resolution

And here I am gunless.

That’s pretty cool. I hope something comes out of it.

I am all for a civil war, count me in.

There would have to be no civil war. There is no way that the military would take up arms against the American people. If there were to be a coup, it would be mostly peaceful, especially if the coup were mandated and supported by state governments.

In case there were any doubt in any of your minds, you know my ass is in for this.

My flag has been hanging upside down in front of my house as of recent.

interesting site.

I am coming across a lot more threads and websites stating how people are getting more and more pissed about the government. I don’t know if anything will come out of it, but I hope something does.

^^^ that’s the way it should be. the 2nd ammendment is there for a reason people don’t readily recognize, so we could overthrow the government when it got out of control

Ding ding ding! Winner.

The Second Amendment wasn’t written to guarantee anyone the right to hunt deer or target shoot- it was written to guarantee the citizenry possessed the firepower to resist/overthrow a tyrannical government (and, with the intent that this fact would deter our government from becoming tyrannical in the first place).