If you love your state...

If you love your state and you like freedom and the 2nd amendment, please sign this petition.


fuck guns.

i have NO issue with compulsory gun registration.

done it

more guns more guns

now we can shoot legislators , islamics ,democrats and other un americans:bowrofl:

Signed…and submitted to some coworkers, who also signed.

signed and forwarded


To all that signed/support this, thank you.

To all that bash, well, you’re entitled. We can go to Off-Topic and debate until the cows come home. Please do not dirty up my on-topic thread.

done and sent on

Done and Sent!

Signed, Submitted, and sent to my address book…

( in the voice of Boss Hogg)


Signed and forwarded as well

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Done signed and sent


signed, gun control means useing both hands

I prefer “hitting your target.” Because you don’t always need both hands, and using both hands doesn’t mean you’re in control.
