I would personaly like to punch him in the face...

They do keep lists. I assure you that if I was ever accused of faking my purple heart I could present plenty of paperwork, witnesses, and Department of the Army Forms that back my claims.

People who fake this stuff are pathetic losers who are failures. If their goal was to do the stuff they claimed they did, they failed. Fuck them.

I find it funny that the women are complaining and baited using this tactic. Don’t guys always try to pretend to be someone else to try to attract women?

Yea that is pretty messed up of that guy. :tdown:

my solution to this problem is enlist him and send him to war, he’s not allowed to come home until he earns all of them medals that he pretended to have.

I just view it as him lying to get laid. Not an uncommon occurrence. He just chose to do it with a uniform instead of talk. :gotme:

what the guy did is still pretty funny, sorta how that couple crashed the white house party, people should really know better, epic fail for everyone around them, congrats for pulling it off

Yeah the guy’s a bag. I’d much prefer that he run into a fine gentleman like Freek than the legal system take care of him though. :pedo:

It is a Federal offense for a reason. It demeans what those in the military do, specifically those wounded in action, killed in action, or who did exceptional acts in the face of real danger. I dont mean the danger you have encountered in your life, I mean with someone trying to kill you on the other end of a rifle or bomb or other tool of death. I am pretty sure you have not earned the right to even make the arguments you are making.

I earn it as an American by paying your salary/health care/GI Bill/etc. Settle down.

I love how you can hide behind a computer screen and say that. You wouldn’t say that if you were sitting in front of me. The only way you would is if you were standing with a group of your friends bragging about your feelings of entitlement and self righteousness.

Should we have people impersonating teachers because taxes pay their salaries?

It’s not like the guy was on the rifle range. I really dont think most teachers would give a shit if people were out at a bar or reunion impersonating them. What are they going to do, put on a warmup suit and a whistle and say they’re a gym teacher?

I always assumed it was a federal offense because of the authority that the uniform commands (just like impersonating a police office), and not simply out of respect.

I think they would mind if the guy was an obvious moron carrying around a fake Harvard diploma and claiming to have taught for 20 years while achieving whatever kind of highest recognition that teachers have.

I am refering to the Stolen Valor Law (Act?) that specifically targets people faking awards and medals that they did not earn. I am sure there are some laws governing wear of the uniform, but I don’t think that you are forbidden from wearing Camo.

looks like it’s only a misdemeanor

How would 6 months in prison impact your job? Cost-benefit I guess. This guy must not have had much to lose.

I thought that too. The guy was trying to get tail, not get out of a court sentencing or a ticket or something right? If he wore the uniform and medals to court as a testament to his character this would be pretty clear-cut IMO.

You think that’d really warrant legal action?