Ice hockey skate & shoots Wednesdays nyspeed join in!

today is the day. holler.

not gonna be able to make it.

skate tonight, 10:30.

I’m gonna be so beat, I can’t believe I’m playing.
had a game at 4:30. city honors varsity vs. alumni (I’m alumni. I’m the team’s current goalie coach so I was the one who put it together).

so tired. but we beat the current team, 7-6 was the final I believe. great game.

how many people show up tonight sub wise?

Im going tonight.

Edit: I can submit a new post, but I wore white bauer helmet with visor, black jersey, orange tps stick, bauer skates with black t blades

who were you?

i was the one in yellow gloves that couldn’t keep the puck on my stick (played a game at 4:30 earlier today. 20 min periods owned me)

I was on the other team… Playing like shit.

Haven’t been able to play in a while because of the holidays, but I’ll be there this monday if you are playing.

skate this monday 10pm riverside! tomorrow!

Answer yer phone fagor! i guess ill skate out.

back in town. skate and shoot tonight! 10pm riverside. holler.

ill be there

I will be out roasting fooools

yeah since you apparently can’t play for the team you’re on, bish.

i got my 5th goal yesterday, we won 6-3. chyea

wow 5 empty netters in one season, must be a record.



hey now I played net for the first couple months.

that’s 5 empty netters in the past 6 weeks, thank you very much.

dude i don’t know if that is more gay then the time you were looking in the mirror and said,

“Man I really fill out these shoulderpads”

nothin gay about fillin out a pair of shoulder pads

:picard: the shoulder pads fill you out, not the otherway around…