Ice Intercooler

negative degree intake temps FTW

well that’s interesting…

wont the ice melt after a while and overflow? just a thought

^ no, if it is frozen H2O, water expands when frozen. If it is CO2 it will evaporate.

im gunna have to disagree with you on that one. ever put a can of something in the freezer for 2 long. it expands. oh crap nvm i suck.

yes when frozen it expands lol, that is an interesting concept. I wonder how dry ice would work?

there are quite a few extra fittings there, maybe he uses an a/c set up to keep everything cold and frozen…

ha ha ha ha


i was gonna make my own … but mine looked way cooler than that

clicky …

That looks to be dry ice in the picture.
The gas expands as it “melts”.
I wonder what co2 going into the engine does, maybe it has no effect.

Try this…
Put some hot water into a soda/water bottle then add dry ice and screw cap tightly.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for what happens next.:smiley:

co2 in the engine would cause a lack of oxygen to burn the fuel

but that doesnt matter, because the dry ice is isolated from the intake charge, just as the atmosphere is isolated from the intake charge on a normal air-to-air intercooler

just like water doesnt make it into the engine on a water-to-air intercooler

that is similar to what shonut uses on his SHO, he uses a water to air intercooler, durring normal driving the water is cooled via 2 heater cores mounted where the foglights go. but for dragracing he swaps the water lines to a nifty icebox in the trunk :slight_smile: he said it lasts about 2 passes.

I used to have one of those

hahahahaha thats a fun trick!

yea thats def. dry ice in there casue look how the tank is frosted over and u can see the vapor overflowing the tank

Definatly the best inner-cooler ever. :tup:

I’ve never really done any research into those, i would have to google it and see whats really inside of that shiny box. looks tough enough. I would worry somewhat about the conduction of the heat with all of that air space. We use dry ice to cool bearings for install on the helicopters, but you need to put the ice in alcohol to conduct the heat. It turns isopropol alchohol into gel, conducts heat reall well, but its not the safest concoction for a race car.

well after reading the site, they seem like a neat idea, but i can see why no serious race team i know of uses them. First off they are absolutly HUGE. Space is always at a premium on race cars, and on a big HP v6 or v8 car, there is just too little room. Secondly the price of dry ice, which can become staggering. Its easier to just use ice water, you can remote mount the tank, and if its properly insulated it will have 35 degree water entering the intercooler, which will still reduce air inlet tempratures to less than ambiant, which is REALLY good for a turbo car. I think that the supercooling of air is presents too many problems for its advantages. The biggest reason for cold air is to prevent detonation, as long as the air is cold enough to do that, you can always stuff more in with proper cylinder heads and a big enough turbo. I rather use a smaller intercooler with slightly more boost, than run that monster. I have what some would consider a huge intercooler, and i can’t imagine fitting one any bigger in my Buick GN chassis.