SC cooling

i was told the other day that if i go racing at lancaster or any track that i should bring a cold pack or ice to put on my supercharger before and after each run… is this true? if so what do u guys use to cool

probably not even a measurable performance improvement is that scenario. And different temps in the case, exactly like that is going to do. Has been know to cause rotor scraping,

just get an intercooler/aftercooler. Supercharging raises air temps almost as much as turbocharging, so some cooling will def get you better performance

I’d lean towards no in this case. It could result in slightly lower times, but it is nowhere near necessary. With the amount of time between runs there it shouldn’t even be an issue.

Don’t bother. Look into getting an intercooler if you don’t have one yet. Way bigger gains.

and how much would an intercooler cost

For a short burst like a drag race a water-air aftercooler combined with a ice water holding tank will give you the biggest gains

mabe not on the supercharger…but it would help on the intake and the superchager pipe…it helps with heat soak…helps to get every tenth out…but don’t expect major gains out of this…watch outfor dripping water on the track may cause you to slip

try this if u want more speed:

dont have that much money

cheapest will be a 35 shot. The gains from spraying small shots on boosted cars are big. Fog it.

Just put ice in your gas tank. That will cool everything down