Idle speed messed up

I havent mentioned this before because i thought it was a specific problem… when i start my car, it struggles… it never starts the first time if i havent driven it for at least 4 hours… it takes at least 3 tries, always have to pump the gas… a lot!! and its worse in the winter too… at first i thought it was my starter, but when that gave up on me and had it replaced, same problem.

i know it could be a number of things, but i know my plugs, wires, dist. cap are fine but my idle speed is always revving at 500, sometimes 400. :? thats reeeeally low!!! and get this… when i slow down on the road and put it in neutral, my car shuts off!! as if theres no idle sensing speed and have to start it while its still rolling at 60km/hr!!

should i adjust my timing, replace fuel pump or filter? i should take car of this really soon before my new starter also gives up on me.

idle adjustment screw… :dunno:

your IAV

could be your TPS


Throttle Position Sensor

as far as the cold start goes, my buddy had that problem, it would take a min of 10 seconds to start (in summer) and come the fall it was taking 30 plus seconds. The problem for his was a fuse for the ignition/starter (i don’t remember) but it was using a tiny 15A fuse that was barely holding on when it should have been a larger 10A fuse, he put the larger fuse in and voila! starts like a champ now. (this was on a SR20)

Another thing that might be a result of your shit-tacular start is the o-ring in your fuel pump.

as far as it crapping out on you while driving… :dunno:


same shizzle with my 240… i clutch in and it will ether hang on by a cunt hair, or just not idle and die.

i was told TPS, or AICV

That doesnt make sense… 10A is larger than 15A ???

I’ll have the AICV checked out…
this whole problem is killing me.

Thanks for your help guys.

vac leak or bov not re-circulated?

SR’s generally idle like shite so dont be too concerned.

I have a KA if youre referring to me.

Check fuel pressure to the rail then let us know what she at.