If gas jumped to $5+ a gallon, what habits of yours would change?

i heard on the news that gas was going up to 4 dollars a gallon this summer

thanks captain obvious :sleep …we knew this.

thank god my work is a block away from my house once its warm im just gonna ride my bike everyday :nod

I want an sv650

ill buy a smart car of a MKI or MKII diesel rabbit

i get over 30mpg so im not worried, i dont cruise around or any of that crap anymore. I work for time warner cable, and they now installed GPS that not only monitors speed,location,maintenance items but it monitors how long your truck is idleing/running. People are getting talked too about this daily, no need to leave your truck running while your in a house for 45-60min. I fill up 2x a week in this truck and its 90-100 each time. So say 200/wk x 70 vans = 14000, then we have about 6 bucket trucks that are roughly 150-175 to fill up. So figure 16k a week in gas for our vehicles, and thats just the albany division. Theres rotterdam,troy,toga etc etc…yikes, no wonder they are keeping tabs on us more now!

id prolly try to move closer to work so i could take a bus or something. thatd save a LOT of gas for me. i go about 22 miles one way. so call it like 45 miles a day 5 days a week at least, unless ive gotta get somewhere else that day. plus goin out on weekends or running errands. at 22mpg? using 93? :runaway
that 89 diesel rabbit is looking better and better daily!

I had an old diesel rabbit. Kicking myself daily for selling it 4 years ago.

my habits probably wouldn’t really change.

i don’t really drive around aimlessly or anything, and my work is like 2 miles away. both my cars get over 20 mpg in the city, with my driving style. i do the occasional cruise with my club/ friends, but this isn’t a normal once a week type of thing for me.

i can guarantee that the $5.00/ gallon gas will be here soon. i run 93 in both of my cars and i’m already paying $3.70+ a gallon. that extra buck won’t make much difference.

the costs do trickle downhill. one vendor that my work deals in just sent a memo today about raised rates due to fuel expenses. this def. exists, whether the companies want to admit it, or change their pricing, its a reality.

Diesal…its 4.15+ a gallon. about 80 cents more a gallon for regular…

Yeah but you go 1.8-2.5 times as far as the next guy on the same tank.

I’d love to have a diesel car, but I can’t cost justify it because I don’t drive enough and the initial purchase price (even for a used Golf or Passat) is relatively high.

There’s the math for ya. Old ass VW Rabbit diesel vs a 95 DSM.

10 gallon tank x 45mpg=450mpt

$4.45 x 10gal=44.50

16.9 x 30mpg=507mpt

$3.45/gal (93) x 16.9=$58.31

Impressive savings in the long term, another advantage is having another car in case one dies, but the increased insurance and the higher maintenance cost of two cars can offset the benefit of having a diesel.

2003 SVS
4 Gallon tank ~ 47mpg.
3.35 x 4 gal ~ $13.50
13.50 will get me ~ 188 miles

Ends up costing $.07 per mile, not counting insurance and maintenance and fixed costs.

Subaru on the other hand is ~ 20mpg

Long story short Subaru is $.17 a gallon, also not counting insurance and maintenance and fixed costs.

Damn you vlad and your two bikes…

It’s really not that beneficial. I end up riding and putting way more miles per year then I would without bike(s) so it offsets the costs.

Plus that’s just the SV, the 636 will be taking super (93) and be worse on gas.

And the “savings” are available for only half a year.

Add in the fixed cost of gear and insurance plus the added risk of injury and it’s no longer looking like a great deal.

I’ve put 20,000 miles on the SV in a season and a half.

On the SV / gas basis its a good deal.

636 and other stuff…not so good :sad

alot of diesels are getting worse mileage now that the feds and govt have introduced ULSD diesel… trust us, we are the govt…

Definitely see that at my job. Worst part is, dealers won’t even accept older models as trade ins so businesses can get the newer models built to work on that diesel.

The mpg on my 7.3 went from 15 to 11 and now I replace the filters about 4 times a year compared to once previously.

this is why i drive a honda. :lol nothing would change i would just work harder to fill my tank. or i would buy a razor scooter.

With fuel prices nearly guarantied to go up for the rest of our lives(I wouldn’t be surprised if we see $20/gallon in our lifetime) and my anticipated move to the dirty south I am fairly serious about the Tesla Roadster. It’s in the price range of cars I was looking at, Aston Martin Vantage and Porsche 911 C2S, compound that by home energy costs potentially going down, solar becoming better and better(more sunlight in the south) and the Tesla continually getting better it seems to make sense. I am 4-6 years out from such a purchase(I just got the s2k) but always like to plan ahead, and while the Porsche gets great fuel economy considering its performance its no match compared to the operating expenses of the Tesla. By the time I will be ready to purchase Tesla will have implemented the solar roof, which can produce an extra 50 miles of cruising range on a sunny day and the batteries keep getting better, smaller and providing more range. Currently cruising range is 220 miles, if they can get 300 miles out of it by then, to me its a no brainer. I drive less then 500 miles a month now, if its sunny I probably won’t need to plug the car in but once or twice a year. No oil changes, no gas, no tune-ups and no brakes are all huge savings - the only maintenance item it will need is tires.

As the trickle down starts to take place you will see more cars like this available, they are currently working on the Whitestar, which is A6 and 5 series competition, and will be in the 50-70k range, if they can make a Camry, Accord, Malibu, Taurus competitor, with good cruising range and the same features, I think we will see the end of internal combustion and our relying on the middle east.