If Sario owned a 996 tt

Supercars Exposed shootout final.

I watched this on Speed the other day, it was pretty sweet, the guy in the 997 owns CEC and his car put down over 600 hp. The other guy was pretty :snky: about what’s under the hood of his Gray 996 Turbo the whole time

I couldn’t find the SpeedTV broadcast, this will have to do.


Supposedly that car goes 5.9 in a 60-130 run…according to times the owner posted.

yes, i actualyl just watched that DVR style… that car pulls HARD

I watched that too. That Gray 911 is fucking insane. The white one claimed to have ~1000whp I think and the Gray one was just sand bagging it the entire race and then fucking BLOWS by it on the final stretch like it was standing still.

oh god its VRalexander…

I like to see more details on the 996


Nothing more needs to be said about that guy. I watched the show and VRalexander passed him like he was pulling a boat uphill.

that 996 is insane. i love watching his vids

bogged the launch pretty bad tho :stuck_out_tongue: