If you decided to change your life drastically would you and how?

If I could I would like to sell off all my assets and all but one one my cars and move somewhere like North Carolina or some place with a similar climate. However both mine and my wife’s family are all in this area so I don’t see us going anywhere.

Am I one of the few that wouldnt pack everything up and move away thinking the grass is greener on the other side?

So I guess sam’s motor WON’T be done in March then? :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

no im with you…

If i knew a few years what i know now, i wouldve been investing more money into the stock market…

I would have fucked different broads.

I know, I know. He and I already discussed this. I was whisked away in the snap of a finger. I feel bad enough already, but it will get done soon enough.

I know man I’m just busting stones

I don’t think I’d change a thing…

Unless I can say “I wish I bought a lottery ticket that day and won millions”

I’m 23 years old; Ive been an IT professional since I was 17. I’ve worked 3 jobs in the past 6 years, my first “Internship”, the little Computer shop I ran and now I’ve been working as a Systems Engineer for the past 6 months.

I don’t know many people around my age that can say they started their career fresh out of the gate, most I know have been in college for the past 6 years, working a few jobs here and there, having trouble finding jobs in their career field of choice.

Am I loaded? No not really, sometimes I feel like im working minimum wage while everyone else around me is ballin’ out of control. Then I realize that I’m 23, some of these people are know are a few years older than me, and then I realize that I have a stable job where everyweek I get a healthy replenishment in my bank, some of these other people I know work a couple jobs and hustle shit and good for them… Lots of money to be made if you can hustle but thats not my thing. I work 7 to 4, after 4 o clock I go home and enjoy myself, don’t have to worry about anything until 7am the next day.

I’ll take what I got… I think I’m doing pretty good so far

I wouldn’t change anything.

don’t listen to Ben, Paul…I still love you