If you decided to change your life drastically would you and how?

I touched upon it a little in that other thread. If I had the balls to sell everything I have, less assets for CRC (it would impact many more people), I would clear all my DEBT, I would owe nobody a cent, and walk away with about $60K in our pockets with my wifes hand in mine. At that point the smart person would “start over”.

Would I? No, probably not. I worked too hard to get here, and I am too stubborn to just “give up” and move on. Also the big one, my house, my family invested alot of love, blood, sweat and tears into rebuilding it with me. I am well vested emotionally into it to just sell it off. That would be the hardest part.

How? Find land to buy for about $20K then get a 100K loan to build a house worth atleast $150K+ completed. (farther ahead value/what I own than I do now, and about $150 a month less payment wise even with tax increase on it). Buy the wife a nice car she wants outright. She would settle for a nice low mileage used car for around 15K for her daily. I would rock another shit box for $2500. Look for smokin deals on house hold shit I would need to live with and buy it outright. Would not get cable again, no house phone, no data phone nonsense. Just a computer, internet and stream what I want to watch on that. More or less cut back on the “waste of money” shit I have now, or had in the past. We would still have about 20K left over to put in the bank. Start investing some of that, and save half the monthly combined net worth in the bank account and the rest build the investment portfolio. Most important thing I would do, would be have a child. to force myself to kick old habits and move on.

whats your idea on Would you, and How would you?




i want pieces of land all across the us. i would travel from spot to spot in a ford 7.3 quigley camper van. towing a dirtbike and bicycle. with all my needs cared for just my wants to worry about.

try to live off grid but still interact with everything. i like warm showers, porn and xbox.

also i would grow my own food on the plots of land i had and make my own fuel. could hunt and gather while on road too.

thats my dream. exploring everything i can and living free

Id like a do-over for my 20’s. Tons of bad decisions involving work and money.

Right now though things are looking ok going forward. I finally got a good job with better pay and Im paying off bills.

I completely paid off my personal loan from my Mustake (one of those bad money decisions in my 20’s), completely paid off my credit card (was $9600 at its highest) and Im paying quite a bit extra on my truck loan so I can have it paid off over a year early. I just paid $1150 on a $305 a month loan yesterday, $1000 last month and Im going to pay it off by September or October. I take the money I would normally pay the credit card and personal loan with and put it towards the truck loan.

After the truck Ive just got the atv loan.

I really reduced my debt in the past 5 months. I owe just over $8k combined now which is very manageable compared to what my debt was not too long ago.

After the loans are done I really want to save for a little bit and then looking into buying a house at some point next year.

About a year and half ago I did change my life drastically. I left my job suddenly with zero goals or paths in mind. I took on an extremely challenging new job, paid of my small debts and saved a boatload of cash. Now im planning on dwindling down my traveling gig and coming home to relax. I’m writing this post from the country of Papau New Guinea, with one fist in the air.

Doin work pjb

That’s awesome!

sell all my shit and try to start doing my own thing with designing either firearm accessories or something related to machines/vehicles, thats the shit i enjoy designing and sitting here typing it i am dissapointed in where im at today lol. or i would invent time travel and go back in time and punch my mom in the face for fucking this up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gTY1meWK68&feature=player_detailpage#t=64s

i’m trying to change my life drastically and have been for the last 2 years since i went back to school, so i guess i wouldn’t want to change it again right now. just hoping to get a full time job and get into law school right now.


did read any of this but I think I would put a serious plan into successfully robbing a huge bank and skipping the country to a super remote tropical resort and opening a little beach bar shanty

real talk.

Pm me.

about robbing banks? or shanty bars?

Robbing banks. :lol

Plan A: Sell off all the things I own here,(minus the one piece of land I own free and clear in Arizona), walk away from the other piece of property with my house I am upside down on and still paying for also in Arizona, take the money and move to the Philippines with my wife, buy a piece of property and build a house on the white sand beaches of Bohol. She can go back to work teaching in Cebu and I can sit on the beach and relax sipping iced tea in the shade and fishing. If I get too bored I will just open a small package store in town.

Plan B: The wife and I keep working here for 10 or 15 more years, I will be closer to retirement age with a bunch more money in the bank and more equity in the houses, then continue with plan A.

Really though, sell everything I have here, move to the caymans, buy a boat or just get a job with a parasailing company. Drive boats all day be in the sun, not worry about anything else ever again.

I’ll answer this question Monday …thats the deadline to decide if I retire early or not.

/\ badass man! congrats, almost I guess. lol