If you had one month left to live, what would you do?

I would spend my days as if they were no different, until the very last day. Then I would have a plane take me as high as a skydiver can go, and jump with no parachute. If I go out, im going out in style…

Quit job and spend my days wasting away in a cocaine, heroin, and alcohol induced euphoria around my friends and family :rofl

^^ :rofl

Nail as much cp as possible

word, do things im not supposed to.

I honestly wouldnt want to know, I have told my doctors that if something ever came up, I dont want to know, I wouldnt wanna live the next month knowing I am gonna be gone, I would be a depressed mess lol. I can see benny doing his stupour thing lol and skydiving would be fun, I know my bf said he would drive off a cliff lol.

Probably shit on my EX’s pillow… buy a retardly fast car… drive in to wall at speed in said car… also going in style!

I’d buy a million dollar car, and fly away.

i dont know wat i would do. im sure the first day or two would be spent in shock then i would quit my job, and do everything ive ever wanted to do.

O man, I’d spend time with family/friends. Have as much sex as possible. Skydive, basejump, drive a supercar, party everyday, etc…

I wouldn’t make it the month. I’d organize a huge party…and drink myself to death that night. I’d be to drunk to understand I died. And I’d bang as much CP as I could prior to and during said party.

I’d prly kill sully, just to say that I’ve killed someone before I died.

not if I kill you first :shifty

Steal all the cars I’ve ever wanted, basically steal one, drive til I find the next one, steal it, and just lead a cross country high speed chase. Like Adam said in the OP…go out in style.



haha… touche sir

do everything i cant normally do

…my friends girlfriends.

sorry guys

i duno