If you didn't buy your C-GT already you probably won't get a new one

Porsche Carrera GT doesn’t meet 2006 airbag standards so the remaining 200 or so cars slated for the USA will not be coming. That’s a shame and results in them cutting the production run short.


dealers: commence additional price gouging… NOW!!


Gotta pay to play. This exclusive club just got more exclusive.

Sad that a car for the autobahn is not good enough for the US. This country sux when it comes to cars…

I think you will all agree with me on that…

well, we DO have a audobon

Exotic cars should be exempt.
The car companies should be able to have safety waivers for exotics.
What good are airbags at 200+mph anyway.:shrug:

They will keep brain material in your lap instead of on the road.

They should have a self-deploying bodybag for those kind of accidents…



Fucking US standards blow.


1500 was to many anyways

but im sure theres a few people that are pissed they were gonna wait to buy one