I'm a Dad =D

Thought I’d share with SON a huge change in my life, my baby boy was born May 28th at 10:01PM 8lbs 3oz. His name is Samuel and he’s awesome.

Gonad mentioned it in the thread “Attn: Roast”, I just wanted to clarify for club members what’s going on :smiley:

If you’re thinking of having kids, do it BUT know what you’re getting into. One thing I didn’t realize was the amount of change having an kid/infant brings.

I always thought, “no problem, I have little brothers, I know what I’m getting into…” however this wasn’t the case. Having my baby made me acutely aware of my new responsibility. It’s something I’ve never experienced before, not getting married, buying a house or getting promoted at work. Nothing has ever made me feel so scared yet so excited as watching my baby boy come into this world and holding him for the first time.

So far it’s been amazing and tremendous but at times tiring and frustrating; overall I’m very happy. I wouldn’t trade it for anything, not even a mint s13 hatch.

OLD + Repost…


You’re about 4 days too late Rich.

congrats. lol to the ‘not trading it for a mint s13’

He said he just wanted to clarify for the club members and even mentioned the other thread :stuck_out_tongue: read mark read!

S15? one thats legal here somehow? :p, congrats tho rich :smiley:

:slight_smile: I’m happy for you. Cheers to the many wonderful years ahead.

baby’s are the most important thing in the world.

to all the fggt’s who think they don’t want kids your life will have been a useless sequences of meaningless events without having children.

i havent found it to be as monumental a change as you’ve suggested though Rich… mind you, my wife does 90% of the work which is very uncommon these days.

i can’t wait to have more.

lol wait till there teens… haha

No pics no care. :squint:

8lbs eh? Looks like he’s going to take on after his dad. :wink:

Congrats bro! That’s awesome! Having children is a true blessing, I don’t have any yet but most of my family members and friends are having kids and I hope to one day join that “Fatherhood club” my self.

You wouldn’t trade it for a mint S13 hatch? …How about if it was RHD? LOL!

Congrats bro and all the best of wishes to you and your family, especialy the newest member!

Actually John, apparently you do have a few little Johns running around…you just don’t know about it cause you’re not here. :smiley: A few of your babies’ mamas are looking for you.

Making babies is the reason we were put on this earth. To reproduce, nurture our young, then die.

so congratulations, it’s a beatiful thing!

Congrats :slight_smile:

Fuck…not again!

Nice, congrats on that. I can’t wait to have some of my own…in 10 years

Congratulations Richard !

In about 16 years he will hopefully be driving a 240 ( so watch for a mint one and store it) - we have 3 kids and all of them drive 240’s - all is good- most of the time.

Congrats and all the best! :slight_smile: