I'm a loser that talks too much about his life on SON

So I need to sell these tickets to Mariah Carey for my GF so she can come to cuba with me, but I, or nobody I know has a good feedback on ebay. I’m mostly looking at some of the REALLY well known people that I can trust (Bing, Phil, Jammin, etc… Pretty much vendors). If you have a good feedback and can sell these for me, it would be VERY appreciated. I’m willing to pay you as well, I’m not sure how much you would want for this service. The reason why I’m looking at someone super trusthworthy, is b/c I would mail you the tickets without asking you for any money for them, just photograph them, sell them, etc…
I know you don’t really stand to gain from this, but I’ll give you like 20 bucks for your trouble and it will be VERY appreciated.
Thx, pm me, or post here, you should have a very good ebay feedback rating ideally.

how much are they selling for? i might buy em for my GF…

I’ve got 93 feedback, 100% positive :dunno:

he’ll even give you a free bj for that satisfaction garenteed bit.

i dont sell anything on ebay… cant help you.

sorry, i would if i could

I’m willing to help. pm me. i got tons of good feedback on ebay.

Awesome, thx Vince!
Varun, I’ll ask my gf what she wants for them and pm you today.

Okay, she wants 150 bucks for the pair, they are section 309, row 15, seat 1&2, it’s for the 29th at 8pm.

Fine, I rescind my offer :madfawk:

Why do you have bad feedback on ebay anyways

Oh, sorry lol… I noticed Vince’s offer first b/c he pm’d me :lol:
Either way, I’m not too sure if this is gonna happen, since we’re prolly breaking up and she’s not coming to cuba with me.

You’re too whipped to break up.

She won’t allow it.

Officially broke up with her. You are welcome to suck my dick Nutta :stuck_out_tongue:

no more asian ses for anty

aww… why get rid of the asian… … where are the pics for us?
we can rate your decision lol

yes we need the pix

does your keyboard not have an x?


i type it how i say it sessy

Dude, getting rid of an azn gf is like selling your RWD sports car. You KNOW you’re getting another one. You just want a better chassis :wink:

Jokes aside, it had nothing to do with problems appearance wise. I just couldn’t take her personality, she was very bossy, oppressive and made it impossible to have a good time.

Ah well… time to look for a winter beater. Haha… Nutta knows I have one lined up :wink: :shock: :idhitit:

Solarian should get the " My Life advertised over the internet" award…